Quality starts with grain

Good malt needs good grain: that's why we leave nothing to chance when choosing our raw materials. Every delivery is immediately examined in our laboratory. The delivered grain is only stored in our silos if it meets our high quality requirements.

The fact that our storage and processing procedures ensure sorting purity, the traceability of each batch, detailed internal and external quality inspections, and the complete documentation of the process provide us and our breweries with peace of mind.

And last but not least, our famous Kling Malz quality ensures a smooth brewing operation!

The ten pillars of our quality policy:

We purchase only the best quality brewer's grain and only the very best raw materials.
A large number of small silo compartments, which can be used for individual malting
Comprehensive and complete control over incoming goods, the flow of goods within our facilities, and the issuance of finished products
A modern and extensively equipped laboratory that can be used to investigate more than just standard parameters
Intensive small-scale malting tests, which we use to determine whether to use new varieties of grains or to implement modifications to our malting processes
Such quality certifications as the Integrated and Controlled Cultivation (IKA) system certification and the quality marks of the State of Baden-Württemberg or of the State of Hesse Office of Quality Assurance (gQH)
Such quality management systems as DIN ISO 9001:2015 and the implementation of a HACCP system. External monitoring and certification of these systems.
Participation in monitoring systems and testing programs
Active participation and personal involvement in committees and working groups
Compliance with all legal requirements to ensure traceability and industrial hygiene as a matter of course

The best raw materials, locally sourced

Quality grain ensures quality malt. Our Kling Malz quality comes from the southwestern areas of Germany where brewer's barley is cultivated. These include the regions of Rhenish Hesse, Kraichgau, the Upper Rhine Plain, and the Hessian Ried. The short distances to our production facilities from our suppliers guarantee low freight transport costs. 

Producer associations that were founded years ago on the basis of the Integrated and Controlled Cultivation (IKA) guidelines cultivate winter brewer's barley, summer brewer's barley, and brewer's wheat, and they supply us directly with these quality grains. In addition, the company's own ship quay in Edingen allows it to purchase brewer's barley of various provenances from both European suppliers and from overseas.

We have separate storage facilities for the individual malts.

After a strict inspection of all incoming goods, which is facilitated by our automatic samplers, our silo facilities ensure the fast and smooth acceptance of the harvest. The large number of silo compartments makes it possible to store grains separately according to their varieties and origins. This is a prerequisite for ensuring an individualized and homogenous malting process, and it allows you to receive a quality malt to match your quality beer.

Cutting edge expertise

We do not spend all of our time working with germinating vessels and kilns. We also actively participate in associations and clubs in our industry. We stay abreast of the latest developments and best practices by participating in brewer's barley tours and regular seminars and trainings.

Kling Malz: the key ingredient of the best beers
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