From grain to malt

Harvest of barley and wheat
in the best cultivation areas of germany
Goods receipt and quality analysis
All deliveries are thoroughly tested in their own laboratory before unloading.
Cleaning and sorting
The barley that is delivered is raw barley. It contains both a series of unmaltable impurities (stones, dust, awns, etc.) as well as admixtures that complicate the malting process (deformed potato tubers, foreign grains, and threshed grains). Thve purpose of the cleaning process is to remove these impurities. KLING MALZ filters out such impurities using aspirators and screening machines.
The delivered grain must be stored until it reaches its full germination potential, and then it is stored again until processing. The temperature and water content are constantly monitored in order to ensure the achievement of this goal. KLING MALZ uses a large number of silo compartments to separately store grain by type and place of origin. This is a prerequisite for ensuring an individualized and homogenous malting process, and it allows you to receive a quality malt to match your quality beer.
At KLING MALZ, purified barley that is ready for germination is mixed with water in a slurry tank (a barley-water mixer) and then transported wet to the steeping tanks facility. The advantages of this process are obvious: it provides for additional purification and the removal of molds while allowing for the absorption of water at the same time. Predetermined degrees of steeping are able to be achieved in a specified amount of time through the performance of two soaking cycles. Ventilation is provided by central tubes, which offer advantages over ringed ventilation. The condensation of water vapor-saturated fumes from the kiln provides a cheap waste heat source for the second soaking cycle.
Germination must be carried out in such a way that only a certain number of enzymes are produced that initiate the conversion of the starch reserves stored in the cereal grain in accordance with the respective malt type. The following four germination factors are responsible for controlling these processes: "moisture," "temperature," "O2/CO2 ratios," and "time." KLING MALZ also uses the method of staggered water administration and reducing the germination temperatures because it produces a higher yield of malt extract and achieves better dissolution and greater enzyme activity than can be achieved with other processes. It is possible to control enzyme formation and activity both through the analysis and concentration of the malt.
The goal of drying in the kiln is to convert the green malt into a storage-stable state through dehydration. Apart from this, all chemical-biological reactions occurring during germination are stopped by the process of dehydration. In addition, the color and aroma are adjusted and germ buds are removed. The drying process consists of withering, the drying of the green malt at low temperatures of up to a maximum of 60° C, and the subsequent drying at temperatures of 80–105° C. In order to record both the thiobarbituric acid count and dimethyl sulfite processes, the kilning process must be completed within a "working window" of between 5.5 h at 84° C and 3 h at 90° C. The drying takes place at KLING MALZ's Schriesheim facility in a twin kiln, which consists of two air- and heat-coupled single-floor kilns with a common energy tract. The coupling of two single-floor kilns allows decisive energy savings: the almost constant saturation of the exhaust air allows the heat recovery system to work as efficiently as possible. The thermal energy generated from the circulation of cold air over the kilned malt can be completely absorbed into the withering process.
Delivery to the brewery
Kling malt is delivered to the breweries, loosely by truck and container or in bags
Kling Malz: the key ingredient of the best beers
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